Absolute Fool

The absolute is that place where all contradictions are reconciled.

Where the result is the process and the process is the result. Where there is both contradiction and non-contradiction.

Where there is both subjective and objective and both. Both naïveté and wisdom. Both beginnings and ends.

An end where a new beginning is also OK. Where suffering is non-existent but neither is it ‘eliminated.’ A place from which it is entirely justified and absent.

A place ‘you’ reach but also do not reach, for the moment you start talking about it that isn’t it, and ‘you’ cannot ‘be’ it, for you are by definition not whole, and yet you can be it and can experience it and can know it.

Imagine the Fool card, with its sigil of zero and its deep, deep wisdom. The moment you talk about it, it disappears. And yet you can’t not. That almost seems the very essence of humour. Isn’t a fool also funny?

There is no doubt from the originators of this design that they experienced it – it’s implicit in the symbol. Of course ‘they’ had; to say they hadn’t would be a contradiction. The Fool is the essence of non-contradiction, and yet is entirely contradictory. That’s his whole point!

This experience is not bliss; to say it’s orders of magnitude beyond is itself to misrepresent it. Just as the Fool is both the beginning and the end, the process and the result. The thing where nothing whatsoever contradicts.

How can you experience such a state? Well because to not experience it would be a contradiction. Why do we ever not experience it? Because to always experience it too would be a contradiction. Thus everything is precisely the only way it could be, whilst simultaneously allowing endless creativity and freedom.

There couldn’t be nothing, but nothing doesn’t exist.

Anyway, hello again left brain. Time to get lost again. What could be more foolish.