Episode #6

Making Sense of Narcissism – A Psychospiritual Perspective

Narcissism is not necessarily a judgement. It is an observable phenomenon. Our cultural aversion to being seen as judgemental is creating great challenges in our society, which are showing up in the form of pervasive narcissism and other normalised pathologies.

In this episode I discuss the phenomenon of narcissism from a psychospiritual perspective. My hope is that by understanding the principles of narcissism, that you can equip yourself to see it for what it is, in whatever new and idiosyncratic form it may take. I also share some tips for engaging skilfully with narcissism when you encounter it. The idea is to find the “middle way” between judgementalism on one hand and total lack of discernment on the other. As part of this I discuss the Persona and Shadow, the role of feeling, the narcissist’s MO, narcissistic supply, narcissistic rage, DARVO, hoovering and the “anti-narcissism” movement.

This episode is available to watch on YouTube below, or to listen on Spotify via the link at the below the video.