Join me as I explore the intersection of psychology and spirituality, and share practical techniques for making the unconscious conscious. Learn how you can expand in self-knowledge, live freely, and create the conditions that help those around you grow.

Episode #10 – Spiritual Leadership – The Finest Skill There Is?

Spiritual leadership is a skill. You can think of it as the ability to create conditions that are conducive to the development of consciousness in others, using our intentions, speech and actions. No other skill is so important, yet we scarcely recognise it as a skill unto itself.

Episode #9 – Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse & Cults

Exploitative control dynamics exist at all levels in our culture – between individuals and across organisations. Everyone is affected by them whether or not they realise. So whether you’ve had an encounter with a narcissist, exploited at work or joined a group that turned out to be a cult, you are in the majority. But recognising it as such, overcoming it and leveraging the experience for growth – that is unusual.

Episode #8 – The Five Phases of Codependency

The Five Phases of Codependency can help an individual understand where they are in an abusive relationship or exploitative cult, as well as gain insight into a previous situation. The model can be used to understand the challenges, risks and opportunities at each phase, and inform decision making on how to resolve the situation and integrate the experience.

Episode #7 – Mind Control – Techniques of Psychological Manipulators – Steven Hassan’s BITE Model

Mind control is a real phenomenon. Whilst some would like us to believe that “you” are completely in control of your own thoughts, speech and actions, the truth is more nuanced, and you won’t be surprised to know that it involves the unconscious mind.

Episode #6 – Making Sense of Narcissism – a Psychospiritual Perspective

Narcissism is not necessarily a judgement. It is an observable phenomenon. Our cultural aversion to being seen as judgemental is creating great challenges in our society, which are showing up in the form of pervasive narcissism and other normalised pathologies.

Episode #5 – What Exactly Is a Cult?

Most cults do not look like cults. Exploitative group dynamics are way more common in today’s society than most people realise, and anyone can become involved in a cult. In fact, most people have, often without realising something is amiss.

Episode #4 – Empathy and Spiritual Growth

In this episode I describe empathy from a psychospiritual perspective and discuss why true empathy is essential for spiritual growth. Most can agree on the importance of empathy, yet there is still quite some disagreement on what empathy actually is.

Episode #3 – Individuation Is a Way of Life

In this episode I continue on the theme of – what is spirituality? I examine what modern psychology misses about spiritual growth, and why a ‘life practice’ that permeates all aspects of life is necessary to grow spiritually.

Episode #2 – Religion and the Unconscious Mind

In this episode I continue on the theme of – what is spirituality? I examine what religion misses about genuine spiritual growth and the role of the unconscious mind.

Episode #1 – What is Spirituality Really?

In this first episode of the Make It Conscious podcast, I answer the question – what is spirituality? As part of this I explore: why spirituality matters, the difference between spirituality and religion, Carl Jung, the role of the unconscious mind, how spiritual disinterest is causing havoc in our society, Materialism and the alternative of Idealism.