There’s a difference between:
What is right vs. What is true
Being wrong vs. Being inaccurate
Defending against evil vs. Defending your self-image
“Forgiving” someone who takes responsibility vs. One who doesn’t
A psychologist vs. Someone who understands the mind
Spiritual leadership vs. Entertainment
Freedom vs. Gratifying every whim
Acceptance vs. Passivity
Wholesome vs. “Good”
Suffering vs. “Bad”
Emotional vs. Conflicted
Understanding vs. Knowing
Transforming vs. Adapting
Explaining vs. Modelling
Projecting vs. Detecting
Judging vs. Discerning
It’s easy to see one and judge it to be another, in favour of our pre-existing views. But growth requires that we delineate well, and that we don’t avoid one thing because of not wanting to experience or be seen as another.