Is to become who you truly are.

“Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge”

– Khalil Gibran

Make It Conscious is an education and coaching resource for the cultivation of self-knowledge and authentic growth.

Combining ancient spiritual practices with modern depth psychology, our goal is to help you realise all aspects of your Self and be an example of authenticity.


Understand yourself at a deep and precise level. Discover your unique gifts, your contribution to others, and the kind of life and relationships you want to cultivate.


Shed light on the hidden aspects of yourself. Confront the darker sides of the personality and bring them into conscious awareness through shadow work.


Formulate and execute on a plan for greater freedom. Adopt powerful habits to grow spiritually and professionally and lead by example.


An integrated modality for the development of self-knowledge. Click here for your free 45-page primer: The Way of Individuation.

We are here for those who desire a deeper understanding of their own mind and the minds of others - who aspire to a more authentic world.

Making the unconscious, conscious.



Who are you, really? Discover the true self beyond the expectations and labels.



What are you here to do? Unearth the unique and specific value you bring to the world.



How can you do it? Embody actionable habits and strategies for self-realisation.

Get started

About max

"It's not about being a certain way.
It's about living without conflict."

Max Chegwyn is a fool on a journey with 9 years experience living free running online businesses and 20+ years of spiritual practice and honest enquiry into the mind.

He is the curator of the Seven Habits of Individuation method for psychological growth and a certified Jungian Coach and Personality Type practitioner.

His focus is to provide education and coaching for finding freedom through greater self-awareness and psychological growth.


First of all, I’d like to say thank you to Max. Having the coaching session with Max created one of the most significant turning points in my life and I am now on the new journey of my career and life. But what’s more important, through this coaching session I had a chance to look deeply into something that I’ve been ignoring or didn't dare to stare at. It is HUGE progress in learning and exploring about myself. The combination of Personality Type and Max’s knowledge of & wisdom gained from mindfulness, philosophy and psychology make his sessions very unique and helpful. It guided me to explore deeply into my mind with Max’s precise elaboration and the kind space he created during the session which allowed me to express fully. I look forward to having more coaching session with Max and explore the unknown part of me!
Ching chien tsai
Max is a knowledgeable and outstanding person, whose passion for business and self-development along with a person-centred and solution focused approaches makes him a charismatic coach and consultant. Sometimes our own vision of the world can hold us back. And so, I have had the privilege of working with Max, who enabled me to “think outside of the box” and therefore expand myself in various areas by also highlighting both my personal and business potential – the elements that escaped my awareness. Our collaborative work was an empowering life changing success! Thus, I have no reservations in strongly recommending Max in whatever ventures he decides to pursue as he is an indispensable asset to anyone who he partners with.
Ana Neves
After nearly 2 years as an active member of a cult, my mind was quite muddled when I first encountered Max’s coaching. Max immediately provided me a much needed source of listening and understanding. His skillful sharing of key insights and resources allowed me to understand the insidious ways in which the cult had been manipulating my thoughts and emotions. Throughout our interactions, I never felt that Max was pressuring me to think or behave in a certain way. Instead, he provided the type of patient and perceptive guidance that empowered me to discover my own path forward. When I came to Max, I was deeply deluded; through his coaching, I experienced a level of clarity and liberation that I hadn’t consciously realized was missing.
James A.